This month, the Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, an American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) journal, selected the manuscript, Understanding Students’ Incentives for and Barriers to Out-of-Class Participation: Profile of Civil Engineering Student Engagement for its editor’s choice recognition. The manuscript is based on work from a NSF CAREER project [Award Number: 1351156]. The editor selects one manuscript in each issue for this distinction to highlight unique and transformative research. The manuscript’s title and abstract currently appear on the J of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice’s front page:
This is the second manuscript to receive an editor’s choice recognition from author Dr. Denise R. Simmons. A few months ago the Journal of Management in Engineering, an ASCE journal, selected manuscript titled Leadership Paradigms in Construction: Critical Review to Inform Research and Practice from NSF Award 1463802 for its editor’s choice recognition.