Environmental Engineering SciencesEnvironmental Engineering Sciences
Jutla Receives $1M NASA Grant to Predict and Prevent Cholera

Cholera impacts 1 million to 4 million people worldwide on an annual basis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If this bacterial disease is not treated in a timely manner, it can be fatal. Antarpreet… Read More
University of Florida partners with SAS to tackle water quality challenges with analytics

Charlotte Harbor water quality analytics pilot project expands The University of Florida’s Center for Coastal Solutions, or CCS, and the SAS Institute, a global leader in data analytics software, are joining forces to study the factors that influence water quality… Read More
UF Researchers Find Particles From Virus That Causes COVID Expand Beyond Quarantine Spaces

After individuals are diagnosed with COVID-19, they are required to quarantine at home. If they live with others, they are encouraged to isolate themselves in a separate room to reduce exposure of the other individuals to the airborne virus. Researchers… Read More
Researchers show how forested areas affect water resources in Florida
David Kaplan, Ph.D., associate professor in the Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment co-authored a new study to show that three factors can accurately predict water yield in forests: climate aridity, a combination of annual rainfall and dryness; hydrogeology,… Read More
Land-building wetland plants, champions of CO2 capture, can help counterbalance the effects of climate change
Peat bogs, salt marshes, mangrove forests and seagrass meadows cover only 1 percent of the Earth’s total surface but sequester more than 20 percent of all the CO2 absorbed by ecosystems worldwide. This unique property arises because plants build these… Read More
The New Big Dig: UF Researchers Deliver Sustainable Solutions By Helping Government Engineers Cooperate With Nature

Todd-Brown Receives NSF Career Award to Predict Soil Carbon Dynamics

Kathe Todd-Brown, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences within the Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment, has been awarded the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) CAREER award to improve the predictive understanding of soil carbon… Read More
Deliz studying presence of potentially toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in the Indian River Lagoon
UF Engineers Demonstrate How Climate Conditions Affect Human Behaviors That Impact COVID-19 Transmissions