CCE Graduate Courses & Curriculum

CCE Graduate Courses & Curriculum

  • Specialization Curriculum/Requirements
    • Coastal & Oceanographic Engineering


      The Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Program of the Civil and Coastal Engineering Department grants Master’s Degree and Ph.D. Degree in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering.  The basic requirements for graduate degrees in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering are outlined in the Civil and Coastal Engineering Graduate Student Manual (and the UF Graduate Handbook).   Material in this supplement defines additional requirements as dictated by the Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Program.

      Master’s Core Curriculum

      The Master’s program requires 30 semester credit hours, and is formulated as either a thesis option (in which up to 6 credit hours of Master’s Research – EOC 6971) can be counted toward the degree, or a non-thesis option (30 hours of coursework only).  Students on a research assistantship must complete a thesis.

      The required courses in the Coastal Master’s program are outlined below:

      • OCP 6165      Ocean Waves I (Linear Theory)(3 credits)
      • EGM 5816      Intermediate Fluid Dynamics(3 credits)
      • MAP 5304      Intermediate Differential Equations(3 credits)
      • 3 elective courses within the Coastal Program(9 credits)
        Total credits18 credits

      Elective courses can be found below in the Ph.D. Core Curriculum. Note that a Master’s student with an eye toward a Ph.D. would be allowed to substitute EGM 6322 for MAP 5304 in order to expedite the progress toward the Ph.D. degree.

      Ph.D. Core Curriculum

      The Ph.D. degree requires 90 semester credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree.   No more than 30 semester hours of a Master’s degree can be transferred from another institution.   Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Ph.D. students must take a minimum of 27 hours of research credits (either Advanced Research EOC 7979 or Doctoral Research EOC 7980), but can count no more than 39 hours of EOC 7979 plus EOC 7980 toward the Ph.D. degree.   The core curriculum of required coursework toward the Ph.D. degree is outlined below:

      Basic Core

      • OCP 6165      Ocean Waves I (Linear Theory)(3 credits)
      • EGM 5816      Intermediate Fluid Dynamics(3 credits)
      • EGM 6322       Principles of Engineering Analysis 2(3 credits)
      • EOC 6196       Littoral Processes(3 credits)
      • OCP 6050       Physical Oceanography(3 credits)
      • OCP 6168       Data Analysis Techniques(3 credits)
        Total credits 18 credits

      Elective Core

      • 5 elective courses within the Coastal Program15 credits
        beyond those needed for the Master’s degree

      Elective courses include: Numerical Simulation Techniques in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering, Estuarine and Shelf Hydrodynamics, Nonlinear Wave Theory, Turbulence, Sediment Transport, etc. which are offered by the Coastal Program. Consult the graduate coordinator for the exact course numbers of these courses.

      Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Process

      The Ph.D. Qualifying examination is administered every Fall semester and consists of both a written and an oral examination. Ph.D. students should take the qualifying examination no later than their third Fall semester after entering the Ph.D. program (although they are encouraged to take the examination during their second Fall semester). The written examination is generally given in early October and is administered by the graduate coordinator. The written examination includes the following five subject areas, taken over the span of one week:

      • Wave Mechanics
      • Fluid Dynamics
      • Mathematics
      • Specialty Area #1
      • Specialty Area #2

      The specialty exams are given in areas of the student’s choosing in consultation with the student’s advisor and supervisory committee. It is the student’s responsibility to identify the specialty examination areas and examiners and provide this information to the graduate coordinator at the start of the Fall semester.

      Upon successful completion of the written portion of the examination, the student will schedule and complete the oral portion of the qualifying examination within the same Fall semester. The oral examination is administered by the supervisory committee. The committee may also request that other faculty members from outside the committee be present at the examination (such as those examiners from the written portion of the exam). Upon successful completion of the oral examination, the student is advanced to Ph.D. candidacy.

      Within one year after the completion of the qualifying examinations, the doctoral candidate will present a formal dissertation proposal to the supervisory committee.

      Details on qualifying exam

      First, when you have completed the written part of the exam, you need to see CE Graduate Records to complete the Advancement to Candidacy form prior to the oral exam (which completes the process).

      Second, you also must have your supervisory committee established in order to schedule the oral exam (since the supervisory committee is the examining committee – of course you can invite other faculty members as examiners). Although strictly speaking you do not need to have the committee constituted prior to the written exams, you may find it easier to at least begin the process (asking faculty members, etc) before that time. The chair of the supervisory committee must be a faculty in the Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Program. At least one member of the supervisory committee must be outside of the Civil and Coastal Engineering Department.

      Third, our procedure in the past has been to ask examiners to supply a letter grade consistent with the current UF grading scale:

      A, B+, B, C+, C, etc. (no minus grades)

      Then a “grade point average” is compiled for the entire suite of examinations and a 3.5 “GPA” is required for a passing grade (i.e. B+) and the subsequent convening of the supervisory committee for the oral examination. If the student does not pass the written part, they can sit for the written examination a second time; a second failure would result in dismissal.

      If the student misses the B+ cutoff by a small amount (say 3.4), the committee has the discretion to move the candidate to the oral exam portion and emphasize an examination of any weak areas at that time.

      There is an expectation that there should be no grades below B level; a C+ or C grade in any subject demands additional examination at the oral exam even if an overall passing grade (>3.5) is attained.

      A student does not advance to Ph.D. Candidacy until both portions of the exam are completed (forms for CE Graduate Records/Grad School are therefore initiated prior to the oral exam and completed at the end of a successful exam).


      If you have any questions about the coastal curriculum, please contact:

      Photo of Alex Sheremet Alex Sheremet University Term Professor
      (352) 294-7811

      575E Weil Hall

    • Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics



      As of Fall 2016, we are offering a PhD specialization in Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics. Students enrolled in this specialization will gain knowledge depth and technical skills in the fields of hydrodynamics, geotechnical engineering, and ecology. This training will prepare students to work in diverse teams on the complex problems that face coastal environments and communities worldwide. Throughout the duration of the specialization, students will interact regularly with faculty and other students with expertise in both their focal field of study and in complementary fields of study in core courses, interactions that are designed to provide students the foundation for establishing cross-disciplinary collaborations and research networks.


      Below we outline required and recommended courses for students enrolling in the Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics PhD specialization. As new courses are being added as the specialization develops, the required curriculum in 2016 will be different from that in 2017 and beyond, and are thus separated in the lists below.

      Required Courses

      • ENV6935 Wetlands Seminar (Fall, 1 credit)
      • ENV6932 CESD Journal Club (Spring, 1 credit)
      • ENV6932 Coastal Systems (Spring, 3 credits)

      Required Courses

      • Introduction to Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics 1 (Fall, 4 credits)
      • Introduction to Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics 2 (Spring, 4 credits)
      • Fundamentals of Interdisciplinary Research 1 (Fall, 2 credits)
      • Fundamentals of Interdisciplinary Research 2 (Spring, 2 credits)

      Recommended Courses



      • EOC6196 Littoral Processes


      • OCP6165 Ocean Waves I (Linear Theory) (3 credits)
      • OCP6168 Data Analysis Techniques in Coastal Engineering (3 credits)
      • EGM5816 Intermediate Fluid Dynamics (3 credits)
      • EOC6295 Estuarine and Shelf Hydrodynamics (3 credits)
      • EOC6850 Port & Harbor Engineering (Fall, 3 credits)
      • EOC6943 Analysis of Coastal Engineering (3 credits)



      • CEG6015 Advanced Soil Mechanics
      • CEG5115 Foundation Design


      • CEG5205C Insitu Measurement of Soil Properties
      • CEG6405 Seepage In Soils
      • CEG6515 Earth Retaining Systems and Slope Stability
      • CGN6905 Ground Modification Design
      • CGN5715 Experimentation and Instrumentation of Civil Engineering Materials



      • EES5305 Ecological and General Systems
      • EES5307 Advanced Ecological Engineering
      • ENV6932 Coastal Systems
      • ENV6935 Systems Seminar
      • ENV6935 Wetlands Seminar


      • EES6932 Advanced Environmental Hydrology
      • EES6308 Advanced Wetlands Ecology


      • ENV6932 Engineering Fellowship Prep


      Student committees must include at least one CESD faculty member from each of the 3 focal areas (hydrodynamics, geotechnical engineering, ecology) as well as one faculty member from outside of ESSIE.


      Please contact the Curriculum Developer, Dr. Christine Angelini

      No results.


    • Geosystems Engineering


      Photo of Michael McVay Michael McVay Professor Emeritus

      265J Weil Hall

    • Materials & Pavements


      Pavements and Materials Engineering is one of the specialization areas in Civil Engineering. Students specializing in this area can work towards a Master’s Degree and/or a Ph.D. Degree in Civil Engineering. The basic requirements for graduate degrees in Civil Engineering are outlined in the Civil and Coastal Engineering Graduate Student Manual (and the UF Graduate Handbook). There is no strict core course requirement. Students may work out a plan of study with their academic advisor according to the interests and needs of the students. Graduate courses in the Pavements & Materials area are listed below:

      • CGN 5508: Experimentation and Instrumentation in Civil Engineering Materials Research(3 credits)
      • CGN 6505: Properties, Design and Control of Concrete(3 credits)
      • CGN 6506: Bituminous Materials(3 credits)
      • CGN 6507: Advanced Bituminous Materials(3 credits)
      • CGN 6905: Superpave Asphalt Technology(3 credits)
      • CGN 6905: Pavement Design(3 credits)
      • CGN 6905: Advanced Pavement Analysis(3 credits)
      • CGN 6905: Evaluation of Pavement Materials(3 credits)
      • TTE 5837: Pavement Management Systems


      Photo of Mang Tia Mang Tia Professor

      265M Weil Hall

    • New Infrastructure Planning and Management



      CGN 5605 — Public Works Planning (3 cr.)
      Functional approach to planning and implementing public works needs with emphasis on role of engineer.

      CGN 5606 — Public Works Management (3 cr.)
      Nature of profession, duties, and administrative responsibilities.  Organization and management of operating divisions with emphasis on role of engineer.

      ACG 5005 — Financial Accounting (2 cr.)
      Introduction for prospective managers. Primary emphasis on financial reporting and analysis.

      CGN 5125 – Legal Aspects of Civil Engineering (2 cr.)
      Engineer’s view of contracts for design and constraction. Legislation and policy affecting labor management relationships in construction.

      CCE 5035 — Construction Planning and Scheduling (2 cr.).  Prereq: CCE 4204.
      Planning, scheduling, organizing, and control of civil engineering projects with CPM and PERT. Application of optimization techniques.

      CGN 5315 — Civil Engineering Systems (3 cr.)
      Civil engineering applications of operations research techniques, models of scheduling, linear programming, queuing theory, and simulation.

      CGN 6974 — Master of Engineering or Engineer Degree Report (2 cr.)
      Individual work culminating in a professional practice-oriented report suitable for the requirements of the Master of Engineering or Engineer degree. Two credits only are applicable toward the requirements of each degree.

      ENV 5306 — Municipal Refuse Disposal (3 cr.)
      Quantities and characteristics of municipal refuse and hazardous materials. Collection methods, transfer stations, equipment and costs. Refuse disposal practices, regional planning and equipment.

      MAN 6149 – Developing Leadership Skills (2 cr.)
      Concepts of leadership  theory and methods to improve skills.

      CGN 6936—Graduate Seminar (1 cr.).
      The course gives an overview of different Civil Engineering topic present by guess speakers form different field (government, academia, private companies, consultants, etc…) There will also be field trips on various aspects of Civil Engineering.

      MAN 5245 — Organization Behavior (3 cr.).  
      Relationship between the individual administrator and supervisors, the employees supervised, and associates at a comparable level in the organization.

      BCN 5779 – Facilities Operation and Maintenance (3cr.). prereq: graduate standing.
      Facilities management as a specialized professional career; study of how a facility , its people, equipment, and operations are served and maintained.





      STA 5325 — Mathematical Methods of Statistics (3 cr.).  Prereq: MAC 2313 or equivalent.
      Topics in probability and statistics, particularly discrete and continuous random variables, sampling distributions, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Applications to engineering and natural science.

      SUR 6395–Topics in Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.).  Prereq: consent of instructor. Data base development, economic impact of GIS, development of standards, integration of data sets, hardware and software developments, advances in GIS technology.

      TTE 5255 — Traffic Signal Operation (1 cr.)
      Traffic control equipment, MUTCD requirements, HCM procedures, design and analysis of signal timing plans for simple problems.

      TTE 5256 — Traffic Engineering (3 cr.)
      Traffic characteristics, studies and analyses, street operations, level of service analysis, congestion and access management, signs and markings, pedestrians, bicycles, parking, roadway lighting.

      CEG 5105 — Geotechnical Engineering (3 cr.).  Prereq: CEG 5015C or consent of instructor.
      Shallow foundations, bearing capacity, settlements, deep foundations, pile testing, earth pressures, excavations, retaining structures, dewatering.

      ENV 5105 — Foundations of Air Pollution (3 cr.)
      Principal types, sources, dispersion, effects, and physical, economic and legal aspects of control of atmospheric pollutants.

      BCN 6933—Human Factors (3 cr.) Offered by the Building Construction ( Dr. O’Brien)

      BCN 6585—Sustainable Construction (3 cr.) Offered by the Building Construction ( Dr. Kibert)

      BCN 6621—Bidding Strategies (3 cr.) Offered by the Building Construction (Dr. Groskpoff)

      REE 6045—Introduction to Real Estate (2 cr.) Offered by the Warrington College of Business Administration, Finance, and Real Estate (Dr Archer and Dr Ling)

      Note: A PhD Program also is offered beyond the Masters Degree, which typically takes 2 – 3 years.


      Photo of Fazil Najafi Fazil Najafi Professor
      (352) 294-7790

      470 Weil Hall

    • Structural Engineering


      Within the structural engineering area of specialization, employers almost exclusively seek out our graduates with
      masters degrees. These employers have high expectations regarding the skills and capabilities that our structural
      engineering masters students bring with them into industry. Consequently, we offer a concentration in structural
      engineering within the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering. This feature adds value to the master’s degree
      by recognizing the rigorous academic requirements that our students are required to achieve. In addition, it alerts
      prospective employers that the students they are considering will be able to meet their expectations for training and
      competence in the field. The following requirements, in addition to the minimum requirements imposed by the UF
      Graduate School, must be met for a student to receive a concentration in structural engineering.

      Course Requirements

      Master’s students specializing in Structural Engineering are expected to satisfy the following minimum coursework
      requirements and procedures. Upon admission, a structural engineering faculty member is assigned as your advisor.
      Regardless of whether you are pursuing a Thesis or Non-Thesis degree, you must complete the coursework
      requirements portion of the Master’s Program Plan of Study (PPS), which is posted on the ESSIE website. You
      must also have it approved by your advisor so that you can register for your first semester. You must request the use
      of transfer credits toward your degree program on the PPS and obtain approval, as indicated by the advisor’s
      signature on the PPS. Prior to the registration periods of subsequent semesters, contact your advisor for approval of
      your proposed course selection for the upcoming semester along with any changes in your PPS. Once your course
      selection has been approved by your advisor, you will then send (via email) your course selection along with your
      updated and approved PPS to your advisor with a copy to the ESSIE graduate coordinator. Your advising hold will
      then be removed, allowing you to register.
      All courses in the executed PPS must be completed with the minimum grade noted below for the student to be
      considered eligible for graduation with a Concentration in Structural Engineering.
      Additional requirements may be imposed by the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering or the University of
      Florida Graduate School, therefore, the student should consult the Civil and Coastal Engineering Graduate Student
      Handbook for additional information.

      Non-thesis Master’s degree

      Non-thesis students obtaining a Master’s of Science degree must satisfy the final exam requirements by submitting a
      completed design or analysis term project that earned a grade of B or better from one of the Group A or B courses
      listed in the coursework requirements. Projects from outside the structures curriculum will not be considered.
      Projects are to be submitted to the student’s advisor for approval and must be comprehensive in nature. Master of
      Engineering students are not required to complete the final examination per the Graduate Catalog.
      Thesis Master’s degree-seeking students:
      A thesis master’s degree-seeking student is required to have a supervisory committee. That committee must consist
      of a minimum of two members, a chair (usually the advisor) and at least one additional member. The full committee
      should be formed by the mid-term of the second semester. If a minor is designated, the committee must include one
      member as the representative for the proposed minor.

      Grades & Graduation

      In addition to the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering and the University of Florida Graduate School
      scholastic standards, students with a concentration in Structural Engineering must make a grade of B or better in the
      four required group A courses (CES 6106, CES 6706, CES 5607, and CES 6108). Students failing to attain the
      minimum grade in the group A courses, but otherwise satisfying all other requirements, are eligible to receive a MS
      or ME without a concentration in Structural engineering. A student may submit to his/her advisor a petition detailing
      the circumstances that led to inadequate group A grade(s), and request an opportunity to repeat such courses in an
      effort to meet the requirements for concentration. If the advisor determines that the student’s request is legitimate
      and warrants consideration, the advisor will then ask the Structures faculty to consider the request and finalize a
      decision. Note that Group A courses are only offered once per academic year (in various terms or all at the same
      time). Per the University of Florida Graduate School Policy, students must have an overall GPA of 3.00 (truncated
      for the courses listed in their executed PPS) to be eligible for graduation with a concentration in Structural
      engineering. Also, if the student is registered for any of these group A courses during the graduating semester and a
      grade of a B or better is not obtained, the student will not graduate. The student will have to either repeat the course
      in a future term (if approved by the faculty), or have the concentration designation removed from their GIMS record
      in a future term and register for one additional course to be eligible to graduate.

      Coursework Requirements

      MS or ME with Thesis
      Minimum 30 total semester hours; min. 24 hours coursework permitted; min. 27 hours coursework recommended;
      max. 6 hours Masters Research (CGN6971) permitted; min 3 hours Masters Research (CGN6971) required; written
      master’s thesis; oral defense. Enrollment of 3 credit hours (Fall/Spring) or 2 credit hours (Summer) of Masters
      Research (CGN 6971) is required during the final/graduating semester.

      MS or ME with Coursework Only
      Minimum 30 total semester hours of coursework; (only available to students who have not accepted a Research
      Assistantship from the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering). Students must take all four (4) Group A
      courses below, and at least four (4) Group B courses. Remaining courses required to reach 30 credit hours can be
      selected from Group B or Group C.

      A. Students must take all of the following courses:
      CES 6106 Advanced Structural Analysis
      CES 6706 Advanced Reinforced Concrete
      CES 5607 Behavior of Steel Structures
      CES 6108 Structural Dynamics

      B. Students must take at least four (4) of the following courses:
      CES 5010 Probabilistic and Stochastic Methods in Civil Engineering
      CES 5116 Finite Elements in Civil Engineering
      CES 5325 Design of Highway Bridges
      CES 5606 Topics in Steel Design
      CES 5715 Prestressed Concrete
      CES 5801 Design and Construction in Timber
      CES 5835 Design of Reinforced Masonry Structures
      CES 6585 Wind Engineering
      CES 6588 Protective Structures
      CES 6590 Impact Engineering
      CES 6591 Applied Protective Structures
      CES 6592 Retrofit of Protective Structures
      CES 6593 Advanced Protective Structures
      CEG 5115 Foundation Design
      CEG 6116 Advanced Shallow Foundation Design
      CEG 6117 Advanced Deep Foundation Design

      C. CEG 6515 Earth Retaining Systems and Slope Stability
      CGN 6505 Properties, Design and Control of Concrete
      CGN 6905 Concrete Repair
      CGN 6905 Microstructural Analysis of Cementitious Materials
      CGN 6905 Concrete Durability
      EGM 5533 Applied Elasticity and Advanced Mechanics of Solids
      EGM 6365 Structural Optimization
      ARC 6512 Structural Modeling
      *All courses are three credits
      Note: Internships shall not be used to satisfy coursework requirements for either degree.


      Photo of Gary Consolazio Gary Consolazio Professor

      475J Weil Hall

    • Sustainable Construction Engineering



      All Students

      • CCE 6016 – Advanced Construction Estimating (or BCN 5618C)
      • CES 6571 – Design of Temporary Structures
      • CGN 6525 – Sustainable Materials
      • ENV 6932 – Life Cycle Assessment
      • ESI 6900 – Engineering Project Management


      Elective Courses


      Students may choose other graduate courses from Civil Engineering and other Departments as electives with the approval of their graduate advisor. Popular choices include courses from Building Construction, Environmental Engineering, Regional and Urban Planning, and the MBA program.



      Photo of Christopher Ferraro Christopher Ferraro Associate Professor
      (352) 392-0959

      460B Weil Hall

    • Transportation Engineering

      Required Core Courses

      Course # Course Name Credits Pre-req Semester
      TTE 5006 Urban Transportation Planning 3 Fall
      TTE 5256 Traffic Engineering 3 Spring
      TTE 5305 Transportation Systems Analysis 3 Fall
      TTE 6267 Traffic Flow Theory 3

      Elective Courses within Transportation program (minimum of 2)

      Course # Course Name Credits Pre-req Semester
      TTE 6205 Freeway Operations and Simulation 3
      TTE 6259 Urban Streets Simulation and Control 3
      TTE 6306 Computational Methods in Transportation Engineering 3 TTE 5256
      TTE 6505 Discrete Choice Analysis 3 Spring
      TTE 6606 Urban Transportation Models 3 TTE 5305 Spring

      Elective Courses outside Transportation Program*

       Course # Course Name Credits Pre-req Semester
      CCE 5035 Construction Planning and Scheduling 2 Summer
      CGN 5315 Civil Engineering Systems 3 Summer
      CGN 5605 Public Works Planning 3
      CGN 5606 Public Works Management 3
      ESI 5236 Reliability Engineering 3
      ESI 6337 Markov Processes, Queuing Theory and Applications 3
      ESI 6546 Stochastic Modeling and Analysis 3
      ESI 6529 Digital Simulation Techniques 3
      STA 5106 Computer Programs in Statistical Analysis 1 STA 6166
      STA 5325 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 3
      STA 6166 Statistical Methods in Research I 3
      STA 6167 Statistical Methods in Research II 3 STA 6166
      SUR 6395 Topics in GIS 3
      TTE 5835 Pavement Design 2
      URP 6270 Geographic Information Systems 3
      URP 6274 GPS for Planners 1
      URP 6716 Transportation Policy and Planning 3 Spring
      URP 6821 Urban and Regional Systems 3

      * Other Civil Engineering departmental courses, as well as courses in the Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Statistics, and Urban and Regional Planning departments may be acceptable.  Consult your advisor about courses in these areas not listed above.

      Required Research (for Masters Thesis and PhD students)

      Course # Course Name Credits
      CGN 6971 Masters Thesis 6
      CGN 7979 Advanced Research (PhD) Var
      CGN 7980 Research for Dissertation Var

      Course Descriptions


      Urban Transportation Planning

      Overview of the “four-step” urban transportation planning process, estimation of the travel demand models of trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and traffic assignment, and the forecasting of travel patterns using the travel demand models, state-of-the-art approaches. 

      Traffic Engineering

      This course provides students with an overview of the fundamentals of traffic engineering, with emphasis on field studies, data analysis, level of service, and traffic control devices. 

      Freeway Operations and Simulation

      This course addresses the area of freeway operations analysis and simulation.  Topics covered include: uninterrupted traffic flow theory; analysis with Highway Capacity Manual methods; microscopic simulation, and freeway management and control methods.

      Transportation Systems Analysis

      Integrates the basic concepts and tools of systems analysis, including those of microeconomic theory, systems optimization, evaluation and decision making into transportation planning and management. Fundamentals of the supply-demand paradigm, production theory and cost functions, utility theory and demand models, market and network equilibrium, decision making and project evaluation are discussed.

      Discrete Choice Analysis

      Theory and models of individual choice behavior, binary choice models, unordered and ordered multinomial choice models, empirical specifications, maximum-likelihood estimation method, sampling, prediction of choices, state-of-the-art methods, travel modeling applications.

      Urban Transportation Models

      Discusses selected mathematical models for decision makings in planning and operation of urban highway and transit systems.  Specific topics include static network equilibrium analysis, modeling day-to-day traffic dynamics, dynamic traffic assignment, network reliability assessment and models for transit planning and operations. 

      Urban Streets Simulation and Control

      Principles of simulation modeling and applications for traffic analysis; simulation of urban streets operations using commercially available packages such as CORSIM and AIMSUN; traffic signal control and optimization for urban streets; computer models for signal optimization including TRANSYT-7F and PASSER-II; signal control hardware.

      Computational Methods in Transportation Engineering

      This course addresses the area of computational methods for transportation engineering and their implementation in software.  The main focus areas of this course include: 1) numeric methods and their applicability to transportation engineering/analysis, 2) basic computer programming concepts, 3) key issues in implementing a computational methodology into a software format, and 4) fundamentals of simulation software development.  

      Traffic Flow Theory

      Vehicle-roadway-infrastructure interactions, equations of motion for a single vehicle and for groups of vehicles; car-following models; microscopic and macroscopic traffic characteristics; traffic stream models; capacity and quality of service analysis; simulation modeling; queuing theory; probabilistic models for capacity analysis; shockwave analysis.

      Photo of Lily Elefteriadou Lily Elefteriadou Barbara Goldsby Professor
      (352) 294 7802

      311A Weil Hall

    • Water Systems


      for the Hydrology and Water Resources 30-Hour Non-Thesis Master’s Degree

      At least 15 credits must be taken in the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering.
      Courses that meet this requirement include:

      • CGN 6905 Applied Methods for Groundwater Characterization
      • CGN 6905 Watershed-Scale Modeling
      • CWR 5125 Groundwater Flow I
      • CWR 5127 Evaluation of Groundwater Quality
      • CWR 5235 Open Channel Hydraulics
      • CWR 6115 Surface Hydrology
      • CWR 6126 Variable Density Groundwater Flow
      • CWR 6525 Groundwater Flow II
      • CWR 6537 Contaminant Subsurface Hydrology
      • EGM 5816 Intermediate Fluid Dynamics

      Subject to approval of the student’s advisor, other courses in the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering may be taken to satisfy the 15-credit minimum requirement.

      Other courses beyond the 15-credit minimum requirement in the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering may be taken outside the department to satisfy the requirements for the hydrology and water resources non-thesis master’s degree.
      These courses include:

      Agricultural and Biological Engineering

      • ABE 6265 Vadose Zone Water and Solute Transport Modeling
      • CWR 6536 Stochastic Subsurface Hydrology
      • Environmental Engineering Sciences
      • ENV 5565 Hydraulic Systems Design
      • ENV 6052 Immiscible Fluids
      • ENV 6441 Water Resources Planning and Management
      • ENV 6508 Wetland Hydrology
      • ENV 6932 Advanced Engineering Hydrology I
      • ENV 6932 Global Environmental Policies and Institutions
      • ENV 6932 Stormwater Systems Design

      Forest Resources and Conservation

      • SUR 6934Hydrographic Survey
      • SUR 5625 Geographical Information Systems Analysis


      • GEO 6938 Advanced Methods in GIS

      Geological Sciences

      • GLY 5827 Ground Water Geology
      • GLY 5245 Hydrogeochemistry
      • GLY 5247 Surface and Ground Water Interaction
      • GLY 6075 Climate Control Change
      • GLY 6826Hydrogeologic Modeling

      Soil and Water Science

      • CWR 6537 Contaminant Subsurface Hydrology
      • SOS 5235 South Florida Ecosystems
      • SOS 5242Wetlands and Water Quality
      • SOS 5245 Water Sustainability
      • SWS 5721C GIS Land Resource Management
      • SWS 6932 Wetlands Seminar
      • SWS 6932 Florida Lake Management

      Urban and Regional Planning

      • URP 6276 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

      Other courses may be taken, including a maximum of 6 credits of 3000-4000 level courses outside the department, subject to advisor’s approval.

      A plan of study approved by the student’s advisor must be submitted to the Graduate Academic Support Coordinator before the mid-term of the student’s first semester of enrollment in the master’s program.


      Photo of John Sansalone John Sansalone Donald Eckler Professor

      110 Black Hall