Transportation systems are highly complex, and continue to present significant challenges in our everyday lives.
Transportation engineers continue to pursue innovative solutions to meet urban and regional mobility needs.
Current research initiatives focus on autonomous and connected vehicles, big data in transportation, safety analysis, and infrastructure. The University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI) provides extensive and transdisciplinary research opportunities related to transportation.
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The Department of Civil Engineering offers Doctoral and Masters programs in Transportation Engineering. The UFTI offers students exciting opportunities to work on cutting-edge technologies such as connected/automated vehicles, big data and data analytics, the theory of traffic flow, simulation and optimization of transportation systems, traveler behavior, infrastructure design and monitoring, dynamic traveler information systems, and safety and sustainability of multi-modal transportation systems.
The UFTI is home to the Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE). STRIDE is a U.S. DOT Regional University Transportation Center (UTC). STRIDE represents the member institutions of Region IV of the USDOT’s University Transportation Centers UTC) program.
We are looking for students with strong analytical capabilities (one or more of statistics, big data analytics, optimization, simulation modeling, programming, GIS) and excellent written and oral communication skills interested in addressing various current and future transportation problems. Students from a variety of undergraduate/masters disciplines including Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, or Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Science, Urban Planning, and Economics will be considered based on interests and expertise.
516 Weil Hall
3225 East Campus, Suite 3221
460D Weil Hall
311A Weil Hall
515 Weil Hall
309 Weil Hall
2100 NE Waldo Rd, Bldg. 1604
315 Weil Hall
580A Weil Hall
508 Weil Hall
504 Weil Hall
To view a full listing of each person’s profile, visit the Transportation Engineering category in our directory.
Student Chapters
The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) is an international educational and scientific association of transportation professionals who are responsible for meeting mobility and safety needs. The ITE student chapter at the UF organizes activities throughout the year to advance the transportation field, facilitate travel to professional conferences, and promote fellowship among its student members. Membership to the ITE student chapter at UF is free and open to all UF students.
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As the first official WTS Student Chapter, WTS at UF has the goal of establishing a college based student community focusing on advancing women in transportation through professional workshops, networking, and community service. As an active student and young professionals group, their goal is to continue serving the community and reaching out to UF students and professionals with an interest in transportation.
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Graduate Study Program
Master of Engineering (ME) or Master of Science (MS) Degree
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