The Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering is a recognized leader in innovative educational programs and is widely considered to be among the top programs in the United States.
Undergraduate Student Info
As a department with a strong emphasis on social consciousness, we continue to graduate men and women who make outstanding contributions to the public through business, industry, education, and government.
- Accreditation
- Course Descriptions
- Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Program
- Critical Tracking Courses (Prerequisites)
- Curriculum and Undergraduate Catalog
- UF Academic Progress Policies
- Undergraduate Program Contacts
Graduate Student Info
We offer graduate study and research opportunities in multiple areas. Research may involve theoretical developments, physical testing, and computer modeling. The department’s entire research program is directed toward engineering for the public benefit.
- Graduate Student Handbook
- Academic Standards Policy
- Distance Learning Via UF EDGE
- Graduate Program Contacts
- Research Programs
- Coastal & Oceanographic Engineering
- Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics
- Geosystems Engineering
- Materials & Pavements
- New Infrastructure Planning and Management
- Structural Engineering
- Sustainable Construction Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Water Systems